Is outside noise ruining your peaceful home?

Do you live in an area close to a major road or highway, train tracks, or flight path etc.? If you do, then outside noise is most likely an issue. Is it so bad that the time has come to do something about it? Besides moving to a quieter neighborhood, is there anything...

Are there water stains on your bathroom ceiling?

When conducting an inspection, typically, one of the first places we look to in the bathroom is the ceiling.  Near the area of the ceiling fan, it’s not uncommon to see stains.  The reason for this can be varied but it’s good to keep an eye on it.  With...

Houses With Previous Fire History In San Diego

Unfortunately, we have been seeing so much destruction due to fires lately. What happens though, if we are looking to buy a home or building that has a history of fire? We know that not all building fires result in complete destruction, but how do we know if the...

Prepare Now For The Retirement Years

No one relishes the thought of this, but as we get older and well into our retirement years, we might need to start thinking about ways to adjust our home to be more convenient to use in the future. Maybe you’re thinking what do we mean by this? As we all know,...

Information Every Home Buyer in CA Should Know

Learn critical information from a home inspector's perspective that every home buyer in Califronia should know.


Don't buy a home without first getting this critical information - the difference could be years of dealing with a "money pit", or having the home of your dreams.

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