Home Inspection Glossary

the InterNACHI Glossary

Don’t Waste Your Energy

Your HVAC system is only as efficient as your ducts will allow it to be. Unfortunately, leaking ducts are very common, especially in older systems or poorly built ones. If you have ductwork that is coming apart, you might be paying to heat and cool your attic,...

How To Properly Care For Your Toilet

Your toilet. You might not think much about it as long as it functions right. It is interesting to think about, however, the amount of time each of us spend on one each day.According to one survey, an American male might spend about 105 minutes on the...

Mounting Items On The Wall Safely

In the past, many homes were built out of solid wood and similar materials, but most modern day homes have quite a bit of drywall instead. Drywall is much cheaper, and is not prone to many of the problems that wood faces, but when it comes to mounting...

How Safe Are Your Outlets?

In most modern homes, you will only find grounded outlets. They are important for proper functionality of many appliances, for the safe use of surge protectors and just safety in general. In older homes, however, there is the possibility that you have very...

Metal Roofing Pros and Cons

Why would you choose metal roofing? Many might be concerned with the noise that it would generate, but when the roof is installed properly, with solid sheathing, even rain and hail won’t disturb you any more than with a different roofing material. Metal...

Is There Asbestos In Your Home?

You probably have heard about asbestos, and that it has serious side effects, but do you know what it actually is?Asbestos was introduced as a building material almost 90 years ago and it was hailed as a miracle material. It can withstand fire, heat,...

Wood Roofing Pros and Cons

We all have different reasons for choosing the material for our roof. It could be that we want the cheapest material available, or the most durable material, and then we let that decide what we use. If you are looking for a material that looks beautiful...

What is the Purpose of a P-Trap?

Do you know what a p-trap is? That is the name for the pipe under your sink that is bent looking like a u. Every plumbing fixture needs to have a p-trap to prevent sewer gasses from leaking into your home. Your toilet has one of these, but it is internal,...

What Causes a Bubbling Toilet?

Something that might strike you as odd is if you go to take a shower and there are bubbles coming up in your toilet. While this might unnerve you, it is due to a quite common problem known as venting. In a plumbing system, there needs to be a vent for air...

Information Every Home Buyer in CA Should Know

Learn critical information from a home inspector's perspective that every home buyer in Califronia should know.


Don't buy a home without first getting this critical information - the difference could be years of dealing with a "money pit", or having the home of your dreams.

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