What Is A Safe Room Used For?

What can a safe room be used for in your house? Well, it’s not that kind of safe, like those in a bank, rather, they can be extremely useful in the times that we live in, with crime steadily growing, a safe room can be a great asset for your house. But what...

Defensible Spaces – What Are They?

What really is a defensible space? Well, it can be defined as an area, or zone, around your house that will better protect you from naturally occurring fires, falling trees, or things that could potentially damage your house. The easiest way to think of this would be...

Saving More Energy In Your House

Have you recently had a heating bill that seems higher than the last one, but you try and save on your heat by leaving it at 65 degrees all the time? Well here’s just a few simple things that you can do to be energy efficient with your heating and cooling systems. A...

Protect Your Baby From Their Crib

There’s a new addition to the family… and you want to protect them the best way you can. In order to do this, a necessary check of the crib will make sure your baby remains safe at home. But what are you looking for? Any screws or bolts that may be...

Practicing Fire Safety For Your Home

Knowing fire safety for your house is of absolute importance. Here are just a few simple things you can do to practice good fire safety in your home. Knowing your escape route from your house in the case of a potential fire will be your second line of defense. Having...

Burglar-Proofing Your House

Every homeowner has a common fear… that their house might be broken in to. What are some things you can do to protect yourself from burglars? Here are a couple facts and tricks you can do to burglar-proof your house. On your exterior door, you may have a...

Information Every Home Buyer in CA Should Know

Learn critical information from a home inspector's perspective that every home buyer in Califronia should know.


Don't buy a home without first getting this critical information - the difference could be years of dealing with a "money pit", or having the home of your dreams.

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